How You Receive is More Important Than How You Give.

How You Receive is More Important Than How You Give.

April 21, 2018 Business Education LIfe Uncategorized 0

We spend a lot of time and resources training employees on how to communicate, but do we spend enough time training them how to receive communication?

That is an interesting question if you really stop and think about it.  Are receiving and delivering communication different skills?  In essence, they are.  A person should be continually practicing the same set of skills at all times.  That being said, even the best of us has taken offense when we receive, “criticism”.  What about a time when a decision is made that affects us in a way we do not agree?  No matter what the instance– there have been times while receiving conversations that we press the pause button on our best skills.  So what is most important to do when receiving conversations?

Training ourselves that jumping to a place of belief in support, finding the opportunity in “criticism” and never relinquishing our brilliance takes precedence over settling to a place of, “I’m not good enough”.
Why DO we take offense or struggle when receiving certain conversations? 

Conversations can be difficult or personal, and as we cannot always prepare or anticipate them, when we are surprised by a critical conversation we retreat inward to protect our own ego and neglect to realize the elements of the group which make us stronger together than alone.  Often we see ourselves as our only protection and fail to see that the group itself IS there to protect us.  If only we would believe in the support around us we could see that the reason for the conversation is because we have been trusted and we are found brilliant enough to handle the moment in which we are in the middle.

This is the truly crucial element in which to train our staff.  What good is training people how to communicate, initiate and lead conversations if we are not spending an equal amount of time reflecting on the proper way to receive and internalize conversations.  In fact we will go as far as to say that it is actually the reception of a conversation that is more important than the delivery.  After all, when the receivers immediately jump to a defensive, hurt, angry, unheard or hostile place they will not be present enough to even genuinely listen; let alone get on board with an issue, change or opinion.

If we want to create a team of responsive listening we must ingrain within them a culture in which they believe in mutual support while knowing people’s only goal is to make others look good and their brilliance is valued.  It is when we learn to receive conversations in the manner they are intended that we can positively affect growth.  This is where change, growth or impact actually occur, with those receiving the conversations and the actions which will inevitably follow.

Where do you want your receivers to jump?  To a place of, “I’m not good enough”, “I can’t believe they are doing this”, and “They only do what’s best for them.  Or a place of, “This is because I am trusted”, “This conversation is an opportunity” and “I am brilliant enough to handle this”.  One leads to resentment, mistrust and self-consciousness; the other perpetuates trust, completes the circle of brilliance and leads us to exist in the realm of Yes, And!

A post to accompany this one is, “Sorry, I heard that, but I wasn’t listening …”.

This is just one of the techniques to apply to your life.  
Marrying this with the other elements gives greater success. 
Contact us for implementation strategies and workshop information.