Always Trust

Always Trust

June 27, 2018 Business LIfe 0
I am often asked, “so how do you start?  What is the first step to ‘Yes, And…’?”

Instructing people to simply say, “yes”, to everything, is seldom the way to truly attain everything Yes, And represents.  In fact it isn’t even the, “Yes, And”, that should necessarily receive our focus.  It is really the opposite. “Yes, And”, is the effect, not the cause.  We should focus on everything that leads up to, “Yes, And”, allowing the, “Yes”, to come from the preceding work.  Without that the, “Yes”, is forced, insincere and unmaintainable.  It is when we reach a place where the improvisers soul is so engrained into every fiber of us that we exist on a synergistic level with ourselves and those around us.  That is the realm of Yes, And…!

So, how do you start?

One word … TRUST … Always trust … have lots of it … and ALWAYS –
project it, believe it, accept it and do it!

Project it.

Do you feel trust around you?  Are you putting forth the essence of trust at all times?  Projecting trust into the worlds you surround yourself begins our journey to Yes, And…. It is when we project our own trustworthiness and thrust it into the world ahead of us that we set a tone not of weakness, but of strength.  We begin to create a foundation built upon our own trustworthiness.

Believe it.

Projecting the crucial elements of trust is just the beginning.  In order to successfully project over a period of time to a point where it becomes part of our being instinctually, we must also believe in the support around us.  We must believe those around us truly hold our well being as equal if not higher than that of their own.  If you can’t believe that about those around you, they don’t belong in your circle.

Accept it.

Merely projecting and believing in trust is not enough.  We must also learn to accept people’s trust, and value the trust they put in us as a gift which truly has no assigned value.  Accepting trust both validates the self while giving us a reason to continually work to project.  Thus giving others a reason to believe in OUR support of them.  Accept you are worthy of trust.

Do it.

It’s that simple.  Trust the people you choose to surround yourself with.  Let’s face it, most all of the time you choose who to let into your life.  Can’t trust your friends – find some you can trust.  Can’t trust your employees – find some you can trust.  Can’t trust your employer – find one you can trust.  Can’t trust your kids – find some … Well maybe you can’t choose all of your relationships.

However, you can choose to transition a relationship by your actions.  By projecting trust you model for others.  By Believing in support, to the degree you can, we build others value in themselves.  By accepting trust we foster an atmosphere in which they too can Do it.

So don’t worry about Yes.  Yes will come.  You will eventually live in the realm of, “Yes, And…” Focus first on Always Trusting.  Once this is embedded into your culture, your human spirit, a foundation has been built, upon which all else can stand strong.  It is when we arrive at a place where trust has no hesitation that we can continue to the second of our four steps to, “Yes, And”.

So, how do you start?  Always Trust!  Oh, and call us, we can help you!

This is just one of the techniques to apply to your life.   
Marrying this with the other elements gives greater success. 
Contact us for implementation strategies and workshop information.